Open every day 10am-12.30pm / 3pm-7.30pm

Aperto tutti i giorni 10-12.30 / 15-19.30

Open every day 10am-12.30pm / 3pm-7.30pm

Aperto tutti i giorni 10-12.30 / 15-19.30

Museo Masaccio of sacred art

The Masaccio Museum tells and exposes the Stories and the Arts that followed one another in the variegated territory of Cascia and Reggello.

Opening hours

Open every day 10am-12.30pm / 3pm-7.30pm

Museum address

Via Casaromolo, 2/a 50066 Reggello FI

The Masaccio Museum is a treasure chest, guardian of the first work of Masaccio's genius and, at the same time, home to cultures and religions. It hosts precious works, small and big riches as a testimony of such ancient and fascinating centuries. All this inside the Romanesque complex of San Pietro a Cascia.

The Triptych of
San Giovenale

The Triptych of San Giovenale, dated April 23, 1422, is the first known work of Masaccio but also the first of the new art of the Renaissance, the progenitor of that spatial research in painting will have as its objective the reproduction of the true that there is in nature.

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Orari di apertura

Martedì e Giovedì 15-19.30 - Sabato e Domenica 10-12.30 / 15-19.30

Dove siamo

Museo “Masaccio” d’Arte Sacra
Via Casaromolo, 2/a
50066 Reggello FI