The collection

In the museum, in addition to Masaccio's Triptych, which is his main work, there is an important collection of paintings, precious objects of the Catholic liturgy and liturgical vestments



In the museum, in addition to Masaccio’s Triptych, which is his main work, there is an important collection of paintings consisting of the large tables or canvases that had adorned the altars of the parish church of Cascia before the radical restoration of the 1930s and 1960s.

There are works by very important painters of the Florentine area, such as Ghirlandaio, Bronzino, Jacopo Vignali, Santi di Tito, Zanobi Rosi, commissioned both directly by the parish priests and by the rectors of the various altars.

Interesting is the collection of portraits of Fiesole bishops and priests exhibited in the room on the second floor, in which there are authors such as Pietro and Ottaviano Dandini, both painters of the Medici circle.

In recent years the museum has enriched its collection with paintings donated by private individuals and other works, currently under restoration, will soon enrich the exhibition itinerary.

Silver and Metals

The museum possesses and exhibits numerous and precious objects of the Catholic liturgy: chalices, ciboriums, monstrances, thuribles, and sprinklers.

They come from many churches of the parish as well as from the same parish of Cascia and testify, in addition to the taste of the individual parish priests who over time have equipped their churches with these objects, the multitude of faithful who attended the liturgies.


Liturgical vestments

The collection of liturgical vestments in the museum is important and conspicuous.

There are a series of ecclesiastical garments, copes and, above all, chasubles, that cover a time span from the 16th to the 19th century and come from Cascia and from the surrounding churches. It deals with an artistic field that collects many appreciations both from specialists of the sector and from historians of the art.

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Orari di apertura

Martedì e Giovedì 15-19.30 - Sabato e Domenica 10-12.30 / 15-19.30

Dove siamo

Museo “Masaccio” d’Arte Sacra
Via Casaromolo, 2/a
50066 Reggello FI